Document Organization Is the Key to Improved Productivity

A messy office desk is bad enough, but when it comes to document organization, things can get out of hand quickly. Many teams struggle with finding files and creating processes that improve productivity.

A good document management system will allow documents to be centralized, easily accessible by authorized parties and regulated for editing with a check-in and check-out system. It will also have rules for version control.


Document organization refers to how your information is categorized and stored. You may be working with physical paper documents, electronic files, or a mix of both. You’ll want to organize them in a system that is easy for employees to understand and use.

Indexing involves organizing data in ways that make it easy for you to find the information you need. It also allows you to establish metrics and measures for evaluating your processes and workflows. It’s important to choose indexes that are relevant to your business needs. Indexes that include too much information can be overwhelming and time-consuming to use.

Bit’s smart workspaces and nested folders help you keep all your information organized in one place. This makes it easier to find the information you need quickly and reduces the risk of security breaches from hackers and cyberattacks. It’s also easier to keep your information updated and accurate. It’s a great way to streamline your business operations and improve productivity.

Folder Templates

Folder templates allow a document management structure to be created for use across multiple workspaces. Those creating or using the template can then apply it to folders in project or portfolio files as needed. Creating or applying a folder template saves time by not having to manually create the same folder and file structure for every project and client account.

To create a new folder template, a firm owner or admin can click the Pencil icon on the top right of the folders page in the repository and select “New Folder Template”. A name can be added to the dialogue box then the template is saved.

Once saved a folder template can be applied to any new or existing account. Any changes made to a folder template will be pushed throughout the repository for one-click recreation when new folders are created from that template. The same can be done with space templates as well. The only restriction is that a user must be a member or above to use these features.


While passwords and encryption are important to document security, the most effective approach is a well-implemented business process that provides centralized storage and access control. In a nutshell, it includes evaluating areas of the organization where critical documents are created and stored, setting policies for retention and disposal and providing a central repository for all active and archived files.

This is where document management systems come into play. They offer a safe, centralized repository that makes it easy for authorized parties to locate and retrieve electronic documents, including images of scanned paper. This system also allows for a range of functions that enhance the productivity of teams, such as annotations, check-in and checkout, and version control.

It’s time to stop letting documents take up space in filing cabinets and cluttered desktops. Implementing a documented document management system like Folderit can save businesses a significant amount of time and resources. It can even reduce office printing and reduce the need for copies since documents are easily accessible by the whole team regardless of location.

Access Control

If you’re working with large amounts of information, it can be difficult to keep track of the documents and files involved in a project. Document organization is the key to keeping your data organized and accessible to everyone in your team.

If your organization has been using paper files or relying on fax machines to share documentation, it’s time to upgrade to a better solution. Document management systems and software provide a secure, centralized location to store, organize, share and track documents.

With a robust document management system, you can create standardized templates and workflows that make it easier for your employees to collaborate on projects and documents. You can also limit access to documents by allowing users to login using something they know (password or PIN) and/or something they have or are (fingerprint, iris scan, face recognition). Document logs can also show who has viewed or edited a file, which is critical for compliance initiatives.